
“Novo Papiri”

What do you think about the actual situation of COVID-19? Is it really an accident or it is what some people call biological warfare?


  1. Well, in my opinion, sometimes I feel like this coronavirus thing is getting out of hand, I feel sad for those people who don’t think things seriously, and all the problems that this brings if we don’t follow the measures that we should, Although after so much evil that we have done in the world we deserve it nature deserves a rest, it is a time to not reflect and share, for my part I leave that we must value every moment of life, and maybe when this is over we will be better people.

  2. COVID-19 humbles us, which is a good thing. We have less control over our world than we think. We will be better for this experience. We do want to be heroes. One way to be heroic is to do your work, including studying, so that you are not overwhelmed by circumstances but push back against them.

    I think we will end up with "Covid fatigue" before there is a vaccine. We will eventually want to resume our normal lives and will be willing to sacrifice security.

  3. Actually I don't know. I'm not sure if its origin was random or well planned, and certainly I don't really mind what the origin was. I'm saying this because it doesn't matter, all this conspiracy theory is just useless; I mean, if it's true, then yes, the whole world can take actions against China, but would that bring back all the people that have already died by this virus? also, does it assure that in the future no one else is going to try a similar action against a powerful nation?

    In my opinion, what really matters is the reality were are facing right now. Let me explain this better: past is past, it doesn't matter anymore; the future still doesn't exist, it is uncertain; all we have is today, our present, so I think it is really necessary to learn the more we can from this situation and overcome it in the best way (as possible). We can't control what will happen or what others will do, but we do choose how to react and how to face every difficult situation the future could brings us later.

  4. Actually I don't know. I'm not sure if its origin was random or well planned, and certainly I don't really mind what the origin was. I'm saying this because it doesn't matter, all this conspiracy theory is just useless; I mean, if it's true, then yes, the whole world can take actions against China, but would that bring back all the people that have already died by this virus? also, does it assure that in the future no one else is going to try a similar action against a powerful nation?

    In my opinion, what really matters is the reality were are facing right now. Let me explain this better: past is past, it doesn't matter anymore; the future still doesn't exist, it is uncertain; all we have is today, our present, so I think it is really necessary to learn the more we can from this situation and overcome it in the best way (as possible). We can't control what will happen or what others will do, but we do choose how to react and how to face every difficult situation the future could brings us later.

  5. The current situation of Covid-19 is quite critical, most countries around the world have declared quarantine on their territory, This is leading to a decline in the economy of these and, the citizens are pushing pressure on the leaders to find a solution to this handle with the health crisis.

    In my opinion, this pandemic was caused by the Chinese because we can see a lot of evidence of this and the clearest is that since this disease spread to the world powers and their economies began to decline, China began to buy shares, so starting to get more and more power.

  6. This situation is quite interesting, as I can see the current population has a lot of advantages if we make a comparison with the XVIII century population, for excample, we have some ways for comunicating to others. And also, I think that the lockdown helps to the environment, It is helping to reduce the pollution in the streets, parks, farms, wherever there are many people.
    I'm totally sure that this is a bad accident because of the way of living of the chinese people, some of them don't have anything for eating and their government doesn't help either. This makes that the people eats whatever they can.

  7. This is a good question actually, and i have many doubts about. A biological weapon is a good answer. I mean, it has sense that some country want to destroy his enemy country without destroy o hurts the earth, and if you think well, it is a good thing that we Care of the earth because it is the only home that we know right now.

    To conclude, It's possible that this coronavirus has been used like a weapon because I think that the wars in the future will be with biological weapons.

  8. In my personal opinion I think that the situation in the world and especially in the country is really alarming, it is a subject that is not limited only to a health problem because it has allowed us to see the social inequality of our country, The lack of support from large companies for their workers has also revealed that the majority of people live from day to day and depend entirely on their work in order to live.

    In addition to this, there have been shortcomings in the education system, the need to rethink education as we know it is imminent because it does not respond to the needs of the twelfth century, and also this situation of the COVID-19 demonstrated the quality of education received by some children and the conditions in which most teachers work in the rural context.

    In addition, deficiencies in the health system have been highlighted, the lack of equipment and support for doctors and health personnel in general; our country is certainly not prepared for a health emergency or any other aspect, and perhaps not for many years.

    A recent research study by scientists at the Scripps Research Institute showed that there is no evidence that the virus was created in a laboratory or otherwise designed, they also claimed that the virus evolved naturally as had already been demonstrated by the Chinese authorities who quickly detected the epidemic and argue that the virus has been on the rise due to person-to-person transmission following a single introduction into the human population.

    However it is really questionable the situation the world is going through and it is necessary to ask who have been the people who have benefited from this whole situation and to think that maybe it was the perfect opportunity for China to first of all be a savior and demonstrate once again his impact as a world power we must remember the United States has accused China of hiding the real figures of the coronavirus.


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